Year 5 2024 - 2025
Ms Edge
Welcome to Year 5
Class Teacher: Miss Griffin
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cox, Mr Ghaffar and Mrs Kauser
Year Five is an important year in your child’s school life. Our days are filled with lots of fun learning activities that will help your child to become a more skilled and independent learner.
Autumn 1
This half term the children will settle into their new classroom and complete lots of new learning.
During their English lessons, the children will read two texts- ‘The Water Tower’ by Gary Crew and Steven Woolman and a version of, ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. They will have lots of opportunities to explore these texts and complete different pieces of writing about them.
In Maths, the children will be focusing on place value into the millions and using the four operations. We will be practising how to use different calculation methods to answer reasoning questions.
In Science lessons, the children will be exploring the question, ‘How do animals and humans’ bodies change over time?’ They will complete different types of interesting investigations and research in these lessons.
The children will also have weekly Computing, Geography, Latin, Music, Design Technology, RHE, Religious Education and P.E lessons to enjoy.